Organization Structure

Main Duties and Functions
Satria Yudhia Wijaya, SE., MS., Ak.
Chief of LPMPP
Satria Yudhia Wijaya, SE., MS., Ak.
Chief of LPMPP
Details of Duties :
<li>Responsible for developing standards and guidelines for quality assurance systems for education, research, and community service;</li>
<li>Responsible for compiling quality standards for education, research, and community service;</li>
<li>Responsible for developing an internal quality audit system in the fields of education, research, and service;</li>
<li>Coordinate the implementation of development;</li>
<li>Responsible for the implementation of internal quality audits of education, research, and community service;</li>
<li>The results of an internal quality audit at a university management review meeting;</li>
<li>Submit recommendations to the Chancellor and Leadership as input for continuous quality improvement;</li>
<li>Develop a Quality Assurance System implementation tool through the preparation of:
<li>Quality System Policy at the UPNVJ ;</li>
<li>Quality Manual;</li>
<li>Quality Procedures;</li>
<li>Quality Standards;</li>
<li>PPEP Manuals; and</li>
<li>The Quality Audit Toolkit</li>
<li>Implements the Quality Assurance System consistently, continuously, efficiently, and accountably;</li>
<li>Develop models and systems of academic quality assurance and performance of work units on an ongoing basis;</li>
<li>Carry out internal quality audit training activities for prospective internal auditors;</li>
<li>Conduct internal audits on academic quality and performance in work units within the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta consistently and continuously;</li>
<li>Carry out the management and control of related data, documents, and information systems;</li>
<li>Carry out the administrative affairs of the Learning Development and Quality Assurance Institute;</li>
<li>Monitor data and information relevant to improving the quality of the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta;</li>
<li>Facilitate and assist the Study Program in preparing documents and carrying out visitations;</li>
<li>Conduct socialization with the employees of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta regarding the guidelines for the implementation of the Quality Assurance System;</li>
<li>Coordinate and implement the assessment of Lecturer Performance Reports.</li>
<li>Carry out Internal Quality Audits within the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, periodically, planned, and programmed;</li>
<li>Responsible for the implementation of PEKERTI and applied approach;</li>
<li>Facilitate teaching materials writing services;</li>
<li>Carry out training in the preparation of teaching materials and learning media based on e-learning;</li>
<li>Carry out the development of Bela Negara character education;</li>
<li>Facilitate international certification and accreditation; and</li>
<li>Carry out other official duties;</li>
Dr. Ni Putu Eka Widiastuti, SE. M.Si., CSRS
Secretary of LPMPP
Dr. Ni Putu Eka Widiastuti, SE. M.Si., CSRS
Secretary of LPMPP
Details of Duties :
<li>Coordinating the preparation of program plans and budgets for the LPMPP;</li>
<li>Coordinating, monitoring, and evaluating as well as reporting activities along with their budgets;</li>
<li>Responsible for the implementation of correspondence related to the institution;</li>
<li>Responsible for the planning, implementation, and results of the agenda for routine meetings, coordination meetings, and activity evaluation meetings;</li>
<li>Drafting a quarterly activity/performance report;</li>
<li>Assist the chief of LPMPP in compiling and developing various standards and guidelines as a reference for the quality assurance system for education, research, and community service as well as academic administration;</li>
<li>Assist the chief of LPMPP in developing quality standards in the fields of education, research, and community service;</li>
<li>Assist the chief of LPMPP in reviewing the results of the implementation of quality assurance within the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta;</li>
<li>Assist the chief of LPMPP in developing the implementation of the Quality Assurance System;</li>
<li>Assist the chief of LPMPP in managing data and information relevant to improving the quality of the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta;</li>
<li>Assist the chief of LPMPP in carrying out an Internal Quality Audit within the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta periodically, consistently, planned, and programmed;</li>
<li>Represent the chief of LPMPP in his absence in official and administrative matters;</li>
<li>Assist the chief of LPMPP in compiling and preparing the Institution's report at the end of the fiscal year;</li>
<li>Assist the chief of LPMPP in the development of learning;</li>
<li>Assist the chief of LPMPP to facilitate teaching materials writing services;</li>
<li>Carry out training in the preparation of teaching materials and learning media based on e-learning;</li>
<li>Facilitating character training and applied approach</li>
<li>Assist the chief of LPMPP in carrying out the character education development with the “Bela Negara” identity;</li>
<li>Carry out other official duties; and</li>
<li>Responsible to the chief of LPMPP</li>
Putu Prajna Caesa Putra, S.Psi.
Head of the Administrative Subdivision
Putu Prajna Caesa Putra, S.Psi.
Head of the Administrative Subdivision
Details of Duties Head of the Administrative Subdivision:
<li>Carry out the preparation of the subdivision work program and the concept of the institution's work program;</li>
<li>Carry out the preparation of plans, programs, and budgets for learning development and quality assurance;</li>
<li>Carry out the preparation of disbursement proposals and budget revisions;</li>
<li>Carry out acceptance, expenditure, bookkeeping, and budget accountability;</li>
<li>Make proposals for plans for needs, transfers, coaching, development, discipline, welfare, and dismissal of employees;</li>
<li>Carry out the preparation of proposals for draft decisions and circulars of the head of the institution;</li>
<li>Carry out correspondence and archival affairs;</li>
<li>Carry out the protocol and administrative affairs of the leadership;</li>
<li>Carry out the preparation of a plan for the need, maintenance, and care of state property</li>
<li>Undertake the preparation of a proposal for the maintenance and care of state property;</li>
<li>Accept, store, and distribute state property;</li>
<li>Carry out the affairs of utilization, maintenance, and care of state property;</li>
<li>Conduct an inventory and propose the elimination of state property;</li>
<li>Carry out the preparation of financial statements and state property;</li>
<li>Perform data collection and processing of learning development and quality assurance;</li>
<li>Prepare materials for the implementation of learning development and quality assurance;</li>
<li>Carry out the preparation of technical guidance materials for learning development and quality assurance;</li>
<li>Facilitate the implementation of the accreditation of institutions, management units, and study programs;</li>
<li>Facilitate the implementation of service quality certification;</li>
<li>Carry out the preparation of teaching materials for compulsory university courses;</li>
<li>Manage the quality assurance system;</li>
<li>Prepare materials for the implementation of student competency certification;</li>
<li>Prepare materials for the implementation of lecturer competency improvement;</li>
<li>Prepare facilitation materials for the preparation of lecturers' workloads and lecturers' performance reports;</li>
<li>Carry out the preparation of monitoring and evaluation materials for the implementation of learning development activities and quality assurance;</li>
<li>Storing and maintenance of subdivision documents; and</li>
<li>Carry out the preparation of subdivision reports and report drafts;</li>
Dr. Sri Mulyantini, MM
Head of Internal Quality Audit
Dr. Sri Mulyantini, MM
Head of Internal Quality Audit
1. Responsible for Monitoring Evaluation and Follow-up Report Plans (RTL) for Study Program Learning Preparations
2. Responsible for completing the Follow-up Report Plan (RTL) for learning preparation in all Study Programs
3. Responsible for implementing the Internal Quality Audit for all sub-units in UPN ""Veteran"" Jakarta
4. Carry out Monitoring Evaluation and Follow-up Report Plans (RTL) for Internal Quality Audit for all sub-units of UPN ""Veteran"" Jakarta
5. Carry out Recruitment and training for Internal Auditors within UPN ""Veteran"" Jakarta
Dra. Aniek Irawatie, M.Si
Head of Compulsory University Courses Center
Dra. Aniek Irawatie, M.Si
Head of Compulsory University Courses Center
Details of Duties :
<li>Compile and coordinate “Bela Negara” development activity programs in the fields of education, research, and community service</li>
<li>Coordinate and monitor the implementation of “Bela Negara” education, research, and community service based on “Bela Negara” in the context of realizing “Bela Negara” cadres;</li>
<li>Develop a learning process based on “Bela Negara”;</li>
<li>Coordinate the development of “Bela Negara” content in courses;</li>
<li>Coordinate the implementation of activities in realizing the “Bela Negara” campus.</li>
Retna Sari. SE., M.Ak
Head of Data and Information Processing Center
Retna Sari. SE., M.Ak
Head of Data and Information Processing Center
Details of Duties of Head Head of Data and Information Processing Center:
1. Responsible for compiling the Self Evaluation Report (LED)
a. Prepare evaluations and revisions of the University's LED
b. Prepare evaluation and revision of LED sub-unit work (study program)
c. Prepare an evaluation of the accreditation of superior institutions for all sub-units of UPN ""Veteran"" Jakarta
2. Responsible for compiling UPN ""Veteran"" Jakarta ranking data globally
a. University rankings in the world
b. Ranking QS World High Education
c. Ranking UI Green Metric
d. Ranking UNS Inclusion Matric
3. Responsible for providing quality and quantity of relevant information according to science technology and higher education
4. Facilitate information data regarding achievements, learning and activities at UPN ""Veteran"" Jakarta
Bayu Hananto, S.Kom., M.Kom
Head of Quality Assurance Center
Bayu Hananto, S.Kom., M.Kom
Head of Quality Assurance Center
Details of Duties :
<li>Planning, coordinating implementation and developing monitoring of academic quality assurance in the field of study program curriculum, learning process, and academic atmosphere;</li>
<li>Formulating planning, coordinating the implementation and development of internal academic quality audits;</li>
<li>Prepare plans, coordinate implementation, and develop quality assurance monitoring and audits in the field of research and community service;</li>
<li>Compiling and developing an academic quality assurance system consisting of:
<li>Compiling and developing quality documents for the curriculum, learning process, and academic atmosphere; and</li>
<li>Preparing and developing research documents, as well as community service</li>
<li>Manage the implementation of academic quality assurance at the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, faculties, departments, and study programs which include:
<li>Making an annual monitoring and audit schedule;</li>
<li>Planning a quality assurance system for curriculum development, learning processes, and improving the academic atmosphere; and</li>
<li>Implementing and monitoring curriculum quality assurance programs, learning processes, and improving the academic atmosphere;</li>
<li>Managing the implementation of research quality assurance and community service, which includes:
<li>Planning a research quality assurance system and community service; and</li>
<li>Implement and monitor research quality assurance programs, as well as community service;</li>
<li>Develop an academic quality assurance system that includes:
<li>Implementing the development of a curriculum quality assurance system, learning process, and improving the academic atmosphere; and</li>
<li>Implementing the development of a research quality assurance system, as well as community service;</li>
<li>Making a report on the results of the internal academic audit to the head of LP3M, which includes:
<li>Making a report on the results of the monitoring of curriculum quality assurance, learning processes, and academic atmosphere as well as internal academic quality audits; and</li>
<li>Make reports implementing and monitoring quality assurance and community service results.</li>
<li>Carry out other official duties.</li>
Dr. Arief Wahyudi J, M.Kep., M.Pd.Ked
Head of the Learning Development Center
Dr. Arief Wahyudi J, M.Kep., M.Pd.Ked
Head of the Learning Development Center
Details of Duties :
<li>Coordinating the implementation of learning process development activities;</li>
<li>Carry out the development of the learning process;</li>
<li>Monitor and evaluate learning process development activities;</li>
<li>Monitor the current curriculum of the study program;</li>
<li>Conduct socialization of regulations in the academic field related to learning and curriculum;</li>
<li>Carry out other official duties;</li>
<li>Coordinate lecturer certification assistance; and</li>
<li>Implement the improvement and development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based learning.</li>
Dr. Putri Permatasari, SKM, MKM
Head of International Certification and Accreditation
Dr. Putri Permatasari, SKM, MKM
Head of International Certification and Accreditation
Details of Duties Head of International Certification and Accreditation
1. Responsible for ensuring the completeness of ISO 21001:2018 documents ISO
2. Responsible for implementing ISO 21001:2018 at UPN ""Veteran"" Jakarta
3. Carry out Monitoring Evaluation of the implementation of ISO 21001:2018 at UPN ""Veteran"" Jakarta
4. Collecting data on the percentage of study programs that have international accreditation
5. Collecting data on the percentage of study programs that have membership in international accreditation bodies recognized by the government
6. Carry out Monitoring Evaluation of the availability of competency/professional certification schemes for Student
Citra Resmi Widiretno Putri, SH., MH
Head of Independent Study Program
Citra Resmi Widiretno Putri, SH., MH
Head of Independent Study Program
1. Responsible for improving the quality of student learning outside the study program / Independent Study Program
a. Student Exchange
b. Internship / Work Practice
c. Teaching Assistance in Education Units
d. Research Project
e. Humanity Project
f. Entrepreneurship Activities
g. Independent Study
h. Building Villages / Thematic Real Work Lectures
i. Komponen Cadangan - Patriotism Programs
2. Forming a Follow-up Report Plan for the implementation of the Independent Study Program Program at UPN ""Veteran"" Jakarta
3. Carry out Monitoring Evaluation of the implementation of the Independent Study Program program at UPN ""Veteran"" Jakarta
Andhika Octa I. S.Kom., M.MSI
Head of e-Learning Center
Andhika Octa I. S.Kom., M.MSI
Head of e-Learning Center
Details of Duties
<li>Managing e-learning based learning media<em>;</em></li>
<li>Carry out socialization about e-learning to the Civitas Academic;</li>
<li>Planning, coordinating the implementation, and development of e-learning</li>
<li>Assisting the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Work in formulating e-learning program policies;</li>
<li>Developing e-learning programs;</li>
<li>Disseminate e-learning programs;</li>
<li>Carry out other official duties; and</li>
<li>Carry out particular tasks assigned by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Work</li>