Institute of Quality Assurance and Learning Development (LPMPP) of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta University, hereinafter referred to as LPMPP UPNVJ, is one of the institutions in UPNVJ that carries out the functions to implement and coordinate, monitor, and evaluate learning development activities and quality assurance.
Learning is the core of activities in higher education, and to increase the link and match between graduates of the higher education with the business and industrial world, LPMPP always carries out activities for learning innovation by conducting PEKERTI/AA training for lecturers, drafting Minimum Qualification Standards for Subject Teachers (SKM-PMK) in all study programs, implementing hybrid learning, upgrading E-Learning 4.0 into Learning Activities through the Digital System (LeADS), and implementing programs of the Independent Campus, Freedom to Learn also known as Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka (MBKM).
The Internal Quality Assurance System, also known as SPMI, is a systemic activity of ensuring the quality of education by universities to oversee the implementation of higher education by the universities themselves on an ongoing basis. Following the Rector’s Decree Number. 1152/UN61.0/HK.02/2019 regarding the SPMI UPNVJ Policy, LPMPP applies PPEPP-based SPMI management, namely Determination (Penetapan), Implementation (Pelaksanaan), Evaluation (Evaluasi), Control (Pengendalian), and Standards Improvement (Peningkatan Standar). Quality assurance activities at LPMPP include: Internal Quality Audit (IQA), implementing Monitoring and Evaluation learning, preparing quality assurance documents/instruments/forms, capacity building of the Quality Assurance Team (QAT) and Quality Control Group (QCG), monitoring and evaluating the University rating, and overseeing the preparation of national/international accreditation.
Hopefully, this website can provide information for LPMPP UPNVJ stakeholders and be able to perfect the tasks carried out by LPMPP UPNVJ, so that it can realize its vision as LPMPP that is professional, trusted, and has the identity of defending the state for the development of the Indonesian people.
Salam Bela Negara,
Satria Yudhia Wijaya, SE, MS.AK – Chief of LPMPP
The LPMPP has the task of implementing, coordinating, monitoring, and evaluating learning development activities and quality assurance. In carrying out its duties, the LPMPP carries out the following functions:
- Preparation of plans, programs, and budgets for the department;
- Implementation of the development of an education quality assurance system;
- Implementation of learning development;
- Coordination of the implementation of learning development activities;
- Implementation of academic quality assurance;
- Implementation of facilitation of improving the quality of the learning process;
- Monitoring and evaluation of learning development and quality assurance; and
- Implementation of the institution’s administrative affairs.